As above, so below; as below, so above.
Hello, friend. My name is Stella R. Magnet, and I have always been
dreaming of futurist worlds that are more
peaceful, synergetic, and free. I connect dots through intuition and cryptic symbolism to get closer to this dream, while helping others reach conjoined realities
I deeply align with the
Seven Hermetic Principles and believe in the interconnected nature of consciousness with spacetime. I also deeply align with Carl Jung's philosophy in relation to the collective unconscious and the shadow. I believe that we have souls that are ultimately timeless. Buddhism's six realms of existence, reincarnation, and karma seem like accurate game rules. I recently became initiated into a Kriya yoga lineage of Jedi Masters, as I intend to dedicate the rest of my life toward elevating my level of consciousness and increasing my perception of the unknown, so I can approach my life mission from a place of power, belonging, and cosmic consciousness. I actively participate in the emerging renaissance where ancient wisdom, modern science, esoteric knowledge, and under-explored realms intersect.
Understanding both the mind and reality through deep introspection is something I have had to dedicate a lot of time towards, as I have experienced multiple destabilizing episodes of disassociation over the past 17 years of life in this body. Some have called me bipolar, schizoaffective, autistic, and psychotic. Others have called me a polymath, an oracle from the future, a psychic, and a shaman. I don't identify with any of these labels in my latest metamorphosis. I simply am.
I don't believe that I am that real. On a similar note, I believe that you're just as unreal as I am. I've had to fully integrate this belief into my being, so I can work toward transforming my relationship with people, reality, and spacetime. It's still an ongoing process, and I got some further kinks to work out. But, I'll tell you some stories and pretend that I am real, because I was born into this body for a reason, and so I must continue to play the part in the unfinished story that is "my" life.

A Lifelong Raison d'ÊtreI believe in taking bold risks to consciously weave our dreams into shared reality, operating from a foundation of hope and optimism to unfold more beautiful possibilities. This vision manifests through
Black Sky Society – an Aquarian Age confluence of thinkers, artists, mystics, and technologists united in creating Skylabs: experimental spaces where research and art flow together to transmute dystopian currents into cosmic harmony.
I lead our inaugural experiment, Skylab01, which spans the Greek islands of Naxos and Crete.
I am accepting applications for a 90-day experimental cohort in Crete (March - June 2025) that explores transcendence through the lens of Black Sky's
six tenets and
six topics. This initial cohort requires deep comfort with openness, vulnerability, and reflexive awareness: those ready to transmute beyond trauma bonds into deeper, authentic, reflective, and honest connections. My current phase of existence calls for nothing less.

From Bitcoin to Black Sky
My decade-long exploration (2014-2024) into the wild west of cryptocurrency has been centered on two interconnected potentials: its power as a technology for liberation and its capacity to fund ambitious engineering projects typically dependent on government spending, such as space exploration and futuristic cities. This path eventually led to the creation of the
Post-Web initiative, to ensure that software and coordination technologies that future societies leverage support and extend freedom. While Post-Web is still situated deeply within my heart, I'm currently casting my psycho-magnetic net to attract a passionate, energetic, and optimistic leader that feels inspired to carry the vision forward, as the majority of my energy has transitioned towards activating the weird science, wilder side of Black Sky.
How did this path all start? Well, first, I learned of Bitcoin in 2014 when I met
Ryan Singer at
20mission, a co-living community that I was occasionally hanging out at. I installed a Bitcoin wallet and bought a Bitcoin. Through this community, I discovered Ethereum in early 2015 after attending Vitalik Buterin's talk at the Internet Archive, where I also met a Krakenite (Kraken employee).
During those years, I didn't fully understand where cryptocurrency fit into my life, but the pieces came together eventually. In late 2016, I
co-founded Space Cooperative (Space Co-op), a worker-owned cooperative which had a mission to create a citizen-led crowdsourced and crowdfunded space program. In early 2017, the Krakenite put an idea into my head: why doesn't Space Cooperative create a Space DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)? I remembered reading an
article by Giulio Prisco a few weeks before this conversation, where he was putting forward a similar vision as Space Co-op, with a crypto flair.
I reached out to Giulio, and we decided to combine our forces: he joined Space Cooperative, and we made
Space Decentral our central project. The DAO never really officially launched, and there will be a story about what happened at some point. But someone did write their
master's thesis about us, and many others with more money eventually copycatted our mission statement (like Consensys or Spacechain). That era of thinking was ahead of its time and naive. Years later, people eventually launched more pragmatic Space DAOs (like
In some sense, Black Sky Society is an evolution and continuation of the ideas that Giulio and I were trying to bring to life with Space Decentral. Of the many Space Co-op founders, we are the two that remain and carry our space torch forward with Black Sky, while tapping into high quality weirdness now. I also now totally welcome billionaires like Joe Lubin in becoming a mystical space weirdo: bring it on, let your freak flag fly.

Cryptocurrency Liberation ArchivesAs an early contributor and volunteer to
AssangeDAO, I helped drive strategy, war room ops, governance, and community initiatives that led to raising over $50M for Julian Assange's legal defense. Our fundraising success played a key role in the broader campaign for his freedom, while establishing new precedents for DAO-powered activism.
While living at a
DarkFi hacker house/commune for a few months in 2022, I helped redefine the
UX & information architecture of their homepage (dark.fi) – work that remains live today. During this period, I also contributed to early brainstorming sessions for their AnonDAO initiative.
Radicle (2023-2024), I served as lead author of the
user and protocol guides for Radicle 1.0, and also conceived of the initial alien-themed AI art that established the aesthetic of the Radicle universe. I also lead an initiative towards organizing a product roadmap, and contributed to strategic projects across social media marketing, community communications, and event production.
I've dabbled in other corners of the cryptocurrency realm, and have made contributions to projects like Namada (Reviewing/copyediting community mission statement), MolochDAO (DAO stewardship), BrightID (Early UX design), and Althea (Router Dashboard UX).

Strengths, Skills, and Past LivesMy core strengths combine strategic vision with systems engineering – from architecting DAO governance and
crafting handbooks, to product roadmapping and information design. I also excel at sculpting the essential human touch-points that define a project: naming, aesthetics, positioning, and user experience.
While I'm fluent in graphic design, technical writing, AI art, and community building, my energy is best channeled into partnership with founders to establish foundational direction that teams can build upon. As a founder myself, I can also provide insightful review of contributor work within my domains of expertise. My sweet spot is co-creating project DNA – helping birth new initiatives into form rather than maintaining ongoing operations.
I also thrive at orchestrating transformative events – weaving together creative direction, curation, aesthetics, and narrative to craft dynamic experiences where knowledge cross-pollinates and new worlds emerge. This vision manifested in the creation of
Autonomous Ecologies (March '23, July '23) and Ephemeral (Nov '23).
In my past life (2008-2016), I navigated the corporate realm as a hybrid product manager and UI/UX designer, culminating in a Senior Product Manager role at Oracle. My foundation in systems thinking comes from my BS in Mechanical Engineering (UC Berkeley, 2008), while my passion for the cosmos led to an Astronautical Engineering Certificate (UCLA Extension, 2016). Because space is, indeed, the place.

Energy Exchange
I offer strategic consulting with a base rate plus token/equity arrangements. I am available for up to 48 hours monthly. I prefer 3 or 6-month engagements, but am open to longer relationships if there's alignment in how we sense time, emotions, and signals from the future.
I work exclusively with founders where there's deep spiritual resonance and where I can maintain clear independence from team or DAO integration. My focus on Black Sky Society requires these boundaries. I'm not for everyone, but if you identify as a weirdo or freak, we may be made for each other: I'm here for the underdogs.
These engagements help bring to life Black Sky Society organically, allowing us to ultimately unite around bigger picture visions. To explore energetic entanglement:
1. Send me a message on Signal:
stellarmagnet.772. We have a few video calls to explore alignment
3. We build a friendship and get to know each other before partnership
Note: Due to a very large list of research and creative pursuits that are in the works, I am unable to accept most volunteer positions in this instantiation of spacetime.
Follow me on Twitter ☽